boost yourBRAND esteem?

BRAND triage
& discover
You have some confusion around where to take your business next
You are considering a re-brand
You have a new product or service to launch / promote
You need someone to bounce ideas off or generate ideas with
You need some direction, either strategically or creatively
You have an idea or area of business you want to develop but don't know where to start or how to make it become a reality

Brand Triage
Brand Triage is just as important for those who already know what they want as it is for those who don’t. It can be a truly enlightening discovery process – it’s surprising how often a client starts with a set brief, only to discover that what they thought they wanted might not actually be the best way to meet their objectives!
Together we get under the skin and reveal the core issues. What is your purpose, mission or story? What are your brand values? What are you trying to achieve? Whatever is at the heart of your concern, together we work to reveal your true brand essence and unleash your brand's potential.

BRAND esteem
health check analysis

You have a brand which isn’t competing effectively in the marketplace
You are not certain of your own brand values or how your brand is perceived
You want to know what opportunities exist to take your brand to the next level of brilliance
You are too close to your own business to see what doesn’t work so well and what could work better
You’re not happy with a particular aspect of your brand comms but don’t know exactly why it’s wrong and how it could be better
Brand Esteem
What aspects of your brand are performing well and which areas could improve? For brand owners and ambitious entrepreneurs to tiny start ups and solopreneurs, this is a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of your existing or proposed brand identity and brand comms which can reveal illuminating results.
Your Brand Esteem health check will highlight opportunities for improvement and pave the way for creating a more effective brand with clear values, consistent messaging and purposeful design. You'll gain a real sense of your current brand esteem with a thorough assessment of your brand’s strengths and weaknesses along with useful insights from your Brand Confidante.

“Andi is a good listener and is able to extrapolate the important message and convert it into high quality marketing content. I highly recommend her.”
Ben Gill

You are launching a new brand and want to fully understand the market you want to enter
You are rebranding and need to reposition yourself within the market
You are trying to define your own USP and don't know what sets you apart from the herd
You want to identify industry trends and plan your strategy accordingly
You need a better understanding of what your customers want so you can better tailor your offering
You are seeking inspiration about ways to improve your business and brand communications

Brand Aware
What do you really know about your competitors? We often think we know how our competition is performing but when we are so so passionate about something we've created ourselves, we can be inclined to be dismissive of anyone we secretly fear is better than us. Rarely are we brave enough to look close enough to reap the benefits from the learnings on offer.
Brand Aware is an in-depth analysis of other brands in your sector and commercial space that can tell you who should be on your radar. By taking an objective look at your competitive field, Brand Aware will provide you with a solid platform from which you can elevate your brand above others using these insights. The results of Brand Aware never cease to amaze clients who find it so illuminating. Knowledge is power!

You have other people producing work for you (either internally or externally) and need more consistency across their work
You need to clearly articulate your brand for external partners (for pitches, brand partnerships, sell-in proposals, for social media etc)
Your comms materials are currently fragmented and incohesive
Your messaging is unclear or not effectively being communicated
Your brand has never been defined!

Brand DNA
As personal brands and the self-employed all compete for attention in a crowded digital marketplace, the demand for really strong brands is greater than ever, regardless of size. Brands who know their purpose and have great stories will have a greater stand out and whilst your product or service may not be unique, your brand certainly should be.
Just as all of the information required for an organism lies within its DNA, waiting to be unlocked, the same is true for your brand. Your Brand DNA blueprint will provide you with the framework you need to more purposefully and deliberately create an intentional brand perception with your customer and clients in mind. It will define your brand and set out how you tell your story, providing the invisible platform upon which all of your fabulous work can then stand!
Mapping out your positioning statement, your value proposition, brand vision and values, brand personality and tone of voice, your Brand DNA blueprint can also include your complete brand style guide making it a comprehensive and essential reference document for all your future comms. It's a unique toolkit that will contain everything you’ll need to use your brand creatively, strategically and to its greatest effect.